Define Courage

Garcia, Alvin-Hiram
Professor Lewenstein
English 61
November 30, 2017
Courage is doing something that others couldn’t be able to do. People might think that someone that has courage are those who sign up to become a Marine, Army, etc There are also people who are doing fearless things such as Dea, fbi, cia agents, and even police. The rush that goes through your blood when you are doing something fearlessly is outstanding. Courage is like landing a airplane except the airplane is full of passengers and the airplane just ran out of gas in the middle of the flight. It’s something you would brag about when you accomplish it. In this case of the 2015 crime thriller film, “Sicario” Kate is assigned from an FBI agent to a DEA agent in just one drug bust.
Kate didn’t know what she was getting into. All the men in the DEA agency group that she had joined were fearless. All of them had faces of barbarians which didn’t speak a word if it wasn’t useful. Kate was a agent that had her game face, but this was a different world she was stepping into. It didn’t matter if you knew all about an agency, if you weren’t all about an agency then you weren’t for them. Courage was stepping into a house finding dead bodies, drugs, money, and enemies.
I believe that courage can create a legacy for someone. People will think of you as a man or if you’re a woman they would not get on your bad side. It’s not just being strong physically, but also mentally. When Kate almost got killed by the person she wanted to have a sexual intercourse with, she stressed out. Kate thought for the rest of the day who was on her side and who wasn’t. Courage will create a name for you and help you become stronger.



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